Patient Rights

Patient Rights

  • All patients have the right to considerate and respectful care at all times by competent personnel.

  • The patient has the right to obtain from the physician, sufficient information concerning diagnosis, treatment and prognosis, in terms the patient can be reasonably expected to understand. The patient has the right to know, by name,

  • The physician responsible for authorizing and performing procedures or treatments. The patient has the right to receive information from the physician that is necessary to give informed consent prior to the start of a medical procedure and/or treatment. Information for informed consent should include a description of the specific procedure and/or treatment, risks involved, alternatives, the expectations for a successful outcome, and the probable duration of incapacitation.

  • The patient has the right to know what hospital rules and regulations apply to patient conduct.

  • All patients have the right to considerate and respectful care at all times by competent personnel.

  • The patient has the right to obtain from the physician, sufficient information concerning diagnosis, treatment and prognosis, in terms the patient can be reasonably expected to understand. The patient has the right to know, by name,

  • The physician responsible for authorizing and performing procedures or treatments. The patient has the right to receive information from the physician that is necessary to give informed consent prior to the start of a medical procedure and/or treatment. Information for informed consent should include a description of the specific procedure and/or treatment, risks involved, alternatives, the expectations for a successful outcome, and the probable duration of incapacitation.

  • The patient has the right to know what hospital rules and regulations apply to patient conduct.

  • The administrators of Dr. Osman Hospital – Maadi, the Medical Staff, and all other members of staff are committed to treating patients with fairness and concern.

  • The patient has the right to have all records pertaining to the medical care treated as confidential except as otherwise provided by law or upon the patients written authorization.

  • The patient has the right to assistance in obtaining consultation with another physician at the patient request at own expense.

  • The patient has the right to refuse treatment for any or all the care offered. When refusal of treatment prevents the provision of appropriate care in accordance with ethical and professional standards, the potential consequences are explained to the patient and the relationship with the patient may be terminated.

  • It is anticipated that patients will follow the treatment plan recommended by the physician responsible for their care.

  • Patients are responsible for the consequences if they refuse treatment or do not follow their physician’s instructions.

  • Patients are expected to ensure that the financial obligations for their healthcare are met.

  • Patients are expected to follow hospital regulations affecting their care and conduct.

  • Patients should be considerate of the rights of other patients and hospital personnel. They are asked to assist in the control of noise and limit the number of visitors to no more than four at one time. In special circumstances, visitation may be inadvisable on a temporary basis.

  • The patient is expected to provide information about past illnesses, hospitalization medication and other matters relating to health history that need to be known by those involved in the patient treatment